Hello and Assalamualaikum everyone!
First of all,I would like to wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin,I apologise from the deepest of my heart for all my wrongdoings and words that may hurt you or I purposely annoy you. Enjoy this Raya while it lasts because Raya is only once a year! Although.I know some of you might still not get the raya vibes but do something to make the best of 2016's Raya.I haven't felt like celebrating Raya too actually on the first day,like oh "I can't wait to wear new baju kurung,new tudung,new shoes" but really it kinda felt like a normal day,except it's Raya and oh yeah,food makes it more raya-ish lol.
I went to my father's hometown on the first day of Raya and Alhamdulillah,the traffic was great,well,I think it's smooth when we lalu at Karak because I slept and only woke up when we were already in LPT. The food was great,we also packed rendang,kuah lodeh,nasi impit,kleo which is Bangkahulu's traditional rendang I guess. Not sure how it's spelt though but it's said like that.In Terengganu,we don't have those rendang and all.We have satay,kuah kacang.nasi impit,nasi dagang or nasi minyak.It's a must to pack because I looooveeee rendang.All kinds of rendang.The other day,we made three kinds of rendang and all of them were so delicious.Rendang is like my ultimate Raya favourite but couldn't have it every year though because you know the raya-turn-this-year-here-next-year-there so if we Raya in Terengganu,no rendang and such.
We did tahlil for our past family members.My cousins came around and we haven't had good chats for sooo long.Let's be honest (for some people,not all though),we become awkward with each other like when we were little,we used to gossip a lot,we talked a lot,we played together everytime I came,they slept over at my grandma's when I came and it was so fun back then.They are the reason why I love going back to the hometown.
But as we age,we become more shy,we don't talk to each other as much as we did,we are clueless on what to talk about when we meet each other so both parties just decide to keep quiet. Me,being the extrovert,really can't stand not talking especially when we are gathering,isn't it awkward to sit together without talking? It's awkward for me because I talk every single tiiimeee. I talk a lot,I talk even more when the other side can talk too. Some people that I approach,they're awkward like taknak layan sangat so I don't really talk to them like "fine la kalau taknak layan,tak kisah pun"
Okay,sedih la en orang tak layan hahahahaha cakap sorang-sorang.
But this raya,I thought to myself,I have to talk to them because it's a waste to not talk to your cousins,they've been your friends since way before you know your current friends. And guess what,it's the best decision I've ever done and I couldn't get enough talking to them.We have a lot to listen to about our daily life talking about that,about this,boys uhuk,school stuff and all. I had so much fun! That really made my Raya a lottt better.
So,my point here is,sometimes talking can fix things. It could be annoying for some people,I know like eee dia ni banyaknya cakap bla bla but without talking,you lose satu nikmat dunia lol. Eh talking also is a blessing you know like makanan nikmat dunia,talking pun la.
Okay,I'm tired now.Gotta go,byeee :D