Friday, 28 October 2016

Nature love is evergreen

Hello and Assalamualaikum! How are you guys doing? I'm doing very fine because I'm currently on public holiday so I'm very happy,my soul is very happy,I'm just happy although my finals haven't ended yet but I just couldn't care less.

Okay,so yesterday I watched Alfie's vlog,the title is "Talking about babies".I thought,they were talking about they want to have babies soon or what but actually the vlog is about them telling that they like to watch young couples' vlogs and Alfie did put the links in the description box of the vloggers and the way he talked about it made me go awww and I clicked on one of the links,OKBaby and Alfie and Zoe suggested to watch the pregnancy announcement,

I did.

And you guys know what,the vlog is beautiful and very emotional (at least,i am emotional) and very sweet.You guys should watch it, Click here . I think it's very beautiful,it's just a simple video but I find it very beautiful and sweet and emotional at the same time.I mean,if I was Kyra,the one who's pregnant,I would react the same way because it's just unbelievable.It's possible but it's hard to believe and I would be like,uh oh I don't know how to react on this.


What's cute is their reactions.

And wait,I just realized that the title doesn't suit at all with my intro (I swear I didn't mean to write that as my intro but I don't want to delete it either so yeah,a long post today after a while,why not?)

So,today I watched their video again.They went to jungle trekking and the view is beautiful! I'm a very nature person,I love jungles,forests,waterfalls especially.It's just very peaceful and calming and fresh.The feeling is just so good and it's also a good escape from everything plus with the green although I'm not really interested with trees and plants and herbs and flowers.I'm currently listening to waterfalls sound on Youtube,go try it,it feels so cool and chilling in some way.

While watching the video,I was like "That's so gonna be one of my wishes,go to a jungle trekking with my partner" You know partner like boyfriend or husband.I've went to jungle trekking with my mom,my friends,people,in a group but I really want to try going jungle trekking with just 2 people,which is,me and my partner.To be safe,with a guider.

Won't it be fun??? You go jungle trekking,enjoy the scenery,the calm vibes,have stupid deep conversation while trekking? You help me climb.I help you climb (GOD I SOUND SO GATAL BUT DANG IT) I think it's gonna be so much fun.And then,we can do the survival thingy in the jungle,go to waterfall without having to care about other people.It's totally the best escape! That's how I love forests.

I love forests but when I see forests at night hmmmmm.... I'm gonna think again.

If you never went to any adventure activities,you should go because it's worth your sweats and sore muscles.