Hello and assalamualaikum!
After what seemed like ages,I finally post something to this blog.
Actually,I wanted to write about this one story which I've forgotten what it is about but I swear,I remembered it just now but when I want to write it,it just went poof!
I have turned on the laptop but youtube la apa la,so many distractions!
because of what,you think?
This year,I've been looking forward to this month so much because first of all, I want to save money to buy several things but I won't get my allowances so it's really no point.
Miiii :')))) please pity your daughter :')))) raya lama lagi mii :')))
Second of all,I want to lose weight.Do you know that feeling when you feel you're getting fatter day by day?But you just complain and do nothing to change that
Isn't there anything for me to snack while writing hmm...
Last but not least,doing more ibadah in this such beautiful month.Of course,you can do it in other months too but the feels are different.For me,Ramadan really inspires people to do more ibadah like solat terawih,tadarus,bangun tahajud (this is the hardest because it's not easy to wake up in the middle of the night) and the ibadah feels more at heart than the ibadah you do in other months.I don't know how it is to you but that's what I feel about Ramadan.
Ramadan also means *drumrolls*
LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of delicious food sold at LOTS and LOTS and LOTS bazaar ramadan.It's another special thing I reaaally love about Ramadan.The bazaar ramadans will be so hectic with sellers calling people to buy their food,drinks and people who come to buy food for iftar.It's loud but like I said,the feels are different.Nafsu makan pun different juga sebabnya tak berbuka lagi jadi nafsu tu bukan main besor lagi :P
What do you normally buy at bazaar ramadan? Like me,I normally buy kuih tepung pelita,the one that is put in a banana leaf,it has two layers.The top layer is white and the bottom layer is green.
This one
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Tempting yumss |
You've seen it before right? Or if you never tasted it before,there are so many of them sold at bazaar ramadan,just choose which stall you want to buy it from but unlucky you if you don't get the delicious ones hehe.Hmm what else?
Well,basically I just buy what I feel like eating.
The only least fun part about this year Ramadan is,we have kerja kursus geo and sejarah too if I'm not mistaken.Out of all months,it has to be in this month and even worse,PT3 trial will be held in my birthday's month.
Wah I'm so glad the trial is in August
Sighs,I really can't wait for PT3 to end so I can have partttttyyyyy!
I'm also excited to wake up for sahur tomorrow because for me,sahur food is tastier than berbuka puasa food.Call me weird but that's what I think.Who thinks so too?! The food may be simple but simple is nice,isn't it?
Anyways,I wish you happy fasting.Take in all your nafsu makan,have patience,do not marah marah because it's not nice,use this month as a chance to change ourselves to be better than before.For PT3 candidates,all the best for geo and sejarah kerja kursus.You can rock it despite the fasting (but actually fasting makes you a lot more energised,right?) So,salam ramadan.Bye x :)
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