Friday, 10 September 2021

Danielle and I

 Wow, what a time to finally be back on blogspot! 

However, tonight is a bit different than the other usual boring days. I was casually doing the colouring painting drawings that have been going viral so of course I need to join the bandwagon hehe. I'm not anymore the same person I used to be, I prefer to go straight into the point now so this post is basically about how Danielle and I are really a very two different entities. 

Why do I write his name as 'Danielle'? Because it would sound too cringey if I use the correct spelling. There's always a limit to how much cringey shits I could take HAHA. 

To be honest, I never really expected our relationship would last this long. I'm always the type who dates-to-marry because I find it very pointless and a waste of time to have short-term relationships. I don't judge who have a list of exes though, I mean it's your life, it's you to decide however you want to live your life but in my case, we were not having it really good at the beginning. I don't know if this is accurate but people say first borns cannot be together with first borns as well as both of them have their own tempers, really hot-headed and very strongly opinionated which described us almost perfectly. Both of us are stubborn in different ways, very strongly opinionated like sometimes we cannot accept each other's opinion I'd be judging him like why is your mind even working like that and the list could go on. Many things could have been the reasons for us to break up but somehow, we managed to get this far. Perhaps not as far as the others but still, isn't this some kind of achievement? Especially for someone like me who easily gets bored. I remember I used to talk with Anati a lot on how did people even be together for a really long time without feeling bored but it's actually possible guys. I learnt that relationships have their ups and downs, roller coaster, funs and plains, spicy and tasteless. At one sec, it's just plain, nothing much happens between yalls and at another sec, it gets too chaotic and havoc. 

Plus, like I said in the beginning of this post that we are really really different. 

He's very calm and I'm very not chilled. 

I get pissed off at every little thing but he is okay with almost everything. 

He's very laid-back and I really can't keep my chill in the ass.

 I'm very the word-type of person like I really love it when people randomly give me long messages but he's not anywhere near a poet. 

He rarely sends me more than 10 messages and I be spamming him 30 messages at a time. 10 messages is the total of messages he sends per day lol joking, but maybe just around that number anyways. 

He's so organised and I'm so unplanned. I love impromptu plans but he hates it. 

I'm always overthinking but he never thinks, anything. At all. 

The difference I'm talking about is not just simple preferences like Danielle likes that food and I hate that food or he loves the car but I hate that car. It's about the personality and how we think and because of this, I once thought that it's impossible to go on with this relationship (yeah because I really do overthink)

Despite all of the differences, we still managed to go this far, strongly counting the days. I wish we count forever. 

Till then, love Danielle so much! hehe


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