Hello and assalamualaikum!
How are you? I hope you are fine since now the sky has got soooo much better and it's very beautiful.If you haven't noticed that,please go outside and just appreciate the sky :)
As some of you may not know,I'm not a fan of sour food because I have sensitive molars or ngilu so when I eat other food after eating sour stuff,it's gonna make me uncomfortable to eat but well,I still continue eating because eating is important.It keeps you alive.
My father is A BIG FAN of sour food.He can just eat the unripe mango like an apple.I yang tengok yang terlebih-lebih ngilu hahahah.
"Tak masam ke,bah?" "Tak pun" Okay abah...
That explains why I disliked Maggi Asam Laksa.The first time I tried it,it was very sour and I wondered why did my friends love it so much (they're sour food monsters)
"Weh,dah try maggi Asam Laksa and I don't like it." "OMG how can you not like it? Okay zaaba,you can't friends with us.Balik rumah la zaaba" bla bla bla.
So,the other day when I went to my friends' house,we went to Seven Eleven to grab some snacks for our another videos haha probabyly will tell you the details in another post,someday.Nuris bought Maggi Asam Laksa and I thought I should get one too "okay aku nak beli jugalah,nak try lagi sekali" so I bought it.
It actually is good lol why didn't I taste that before? I wish I could have another cup but too lazy to go to 7E just for freaking maggi asam laksa lol.I'd rather stay and just have some chat with le girls.
I'm not promoting but if you have given up on maggi asam laksa,go get it again and maybe you'll like it after that just like me.One cup won't make you bald ;)
I hope you enjoy this.I'll see you soon.Bye :D
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